Hi again everyone,
Wow, been very busy
here with a variety of groups coming through, from the usual bus tour groups to
RFDS air race, which had 20 light aircraft on our airstrip to the Variety Bash
on Wed night, bar didn’t close till 12.30am.
Les has been running
tours on his own now for the last two days. He is taking tours to the
Riversleigh Fossil fields which incorporate one of the first fossil dig sites
at Riversleigh in 1976. The fossilised bones of animals here dated back from
today to 25 million years ago, quite fascinating. Also doing short afternoon
tours up a local hill for sunset viewing with wine and nibblies and a chat
about Lawn Hill Station and the Century zinc mine which is only 7 k’s from
Susan is very busy
each day at reception, dealing with the tours groups, local aborigines who come
in for fuel, groceries etc and learning the RMS booking system.
We are both involved
in helping with dishes etc of an evening and Les is also running the bar on
various days.
We are feeling quite
comfortable here, and have been made very welcome. One of the guys is already
stirring Susan about her seeping the leaves around the van, they reckon they
are going to put a board up and mark it each time someone sees her sweeping,
good bunch of people.
We had also mad some
friends from Bedrock and the Italian chef and her partner may be visiting us at
home around Christmas time, so that would be great.
This one short and
sweet but only have limited access to the net of course, but will update again
as soon as we can. Be home again in a few weeks.