The next weeks news coming to you from Emerald
Well another week has flown by, we have both been very busy with work, Susan started
at the pharmacy and has been flat out every day getting stock in and setting up shelving
etc, chasing stock and meeting new staff of the pharmacy.
The shopping centre opens this Thursday and will no doubt cause some
traffic hassles in Emerald, which they generally don't have problems with.
They have two ne wsets of traffic lights being completed as part of
the centre's opening.
The intersection for the centre is on the Capricorn Hwy so
the road trains are constantly using the road and their refuelling
point is oposite the new centre, so that will
cause therm some headaches no doubt.
Les very busy with work, visitng a variety of mine sites taking workers in and out,
some of them are very particular about visitors if you haven't been
inducted, (means having to go to seurity each trip and get a
visitors card then hand back etc etc).
Below is Wesfarmers Curragh Mine at Blackwater.
This is one of the mines we service, morning and afternoon.
Two/three drivers have to travel from Emerald to Blackwater each morning
(4.15am start) and each after noon to run these services.
Round trip to/fm Blackwater 150k's then use the coaches
located in Blackwater to do a 50k round trip to
the mine sites.
Well that's all for this week, the weather is starting to
cool down at night, and the nights are crystal clear.
The days are still warm but not too hot.
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