Saturday, 17 December 2011

Nearly Christmas!

The time has come again for our update,
it's been a quieter week for the mushies, they are slowing
the bed growth due to Christmas break and will build it up again for early January for when we are back.
No work Thursday,
Only worked two hours Friday, back home for brekky.

While we are on the subject of the mushies, Susan wanted to take a photo of the infamous knife, have a look at this one.

Our grand total picked mushies for the last week was some 740kgs between us. and we are the beginners!
Getting the hang of it, however Susan is still ahead of me in mushroom weight and dollars, so she thinks she is pretty good.
Speaking of which, we had a mini pool tournament
at the Bowls club, yep the pool shark won that as well.

Something we had forgotten, while we were walking around Dubbo CBD couple of weeks ago, a journo from the local paper,
The Liberal, stopped us in the street and asked a few questions
about our thoughts on the pollie pay rise.
he wrote some notes and took Les's photo for an
article in the paper. We didn't think any more about it, but on the Monday the paper had Les's photo and his comments.
The supervisor at work came in to tell us about it,
a star in the making, not!

We will be heading back home for about 10 days, hopefully leaving here Friday morning, dependent on work that morning.

We will catch up with as many people as we can
over that time.

As we had Thu off, we decided to head out to the Western Plains Zoo and check it out. Had a good day as it was a bit cooler
day as it would be very hot out there normally.

Couple of pics below from the zoo.


Even baby giraffes are taller than Susie

This one wasn't interested in moving any closer

Sunday, we have just been for a good
walk down to the river and the markets,
having a quiet afternoon, probably head to the West Dubbo Bowls Club for ham draws and dinner.

To one and all, have a very Happy Christmas and we will try and catch everyone whilst back home.

See ya soon.

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