Hi again after another week in Dubbo and being kept in the dark and fed on you know what! hehe
Ah yes, mushies, well we had another week of picking the little buggers.
Our pay slips show the total kgs of mushies picked and between us we totalled some 740kgs, it's amazing how quickly it adds up. We are the newbies and slow compared to the four permanents who are much quicker than us. have a couple of pics here to give you some idea of what goes on.
Susie checkin out the crop
The left side has been picked to give more room for the remainder to grow ready for picking the next day, the right side front has yet be thinned out.
There are five of these rooms on the go all at different stages of growth, and the beds are all
placed and last 8 weeks then removed and sold off as compost.
The other four having a smoko break.
Here shows the three levels of beds, because it is an organic farm, the beds and shelves have to be removed after the 8 weeks and the whole room cleaned out.
Only worked Mon to Thurs the last week and back into it Monday.
They will slow the growth a bit due to the Christmas closure.
We had a trip to Wellington on Friday to have a look around.
They have some very old caves which we had a tour of and learnt quite a bit about
the area and the shell fossils well down in the caves.
There have also been major discoveries around Wellington and in the Caves area of
some very large prehistoric animals.
Some pics below will show some of what it is all about.
This is a model of the huge goanna type creatur which roamed the area
some 10-200 million years ago, it would run on it's rear
legs and take off at the speed of a car chasing prey.
This is Cathedral Cave, named because of the "columns" here which in the 1880's was used a a church and the front right, smaller stalagmite was used as the pulpit. When it was rediscovered some years later a bible was found still sitting on the pulpit which the Minister left.
This is a wider view of the cave.
it's called a column when the stalagtites and stalagmites meet from top to bottom.
Susie havin a break
Check the jellyfish!
Another of the animals which lived way back, related to the Wombat, fancy that.
The entrance statement at the turn off, they have used steel girders from the bridge
which collapsed in 1989 and then has a variety of small stories around in the rock formations.
And a pic of one of our memory pieces, (thanks Tan and Luke), and our "home"
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